Professor Caster Warmachines/Hordes Lore Course

Please join Professor Casters course on the Lore of the Iron Kingdoms, Warmachines and Hordes from the company Privateer Press inc. In these shortish podcasts you will be playing the part of a student (New to the lore) , Professor(Knows some of the lore)or Tactician(actively plays the games) listening to Professor casters reading and commentary on every Warcaster, Warlock, unit, solo, Warbeast, and Warmachines in the iron kingdoms( the world where Warmachines and Hordes are from) All the readings are quoted from Privateer Press army books directly and all commentary is provided by Me Professor Caster. Lore and Quotes are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press.

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Monday Apr 17, 2023

Hello Students
In this final installment of Khadoran Warcasters we will taken a deep dive into some famous and infamous ones. We read from the archives and discuss The secret spy/assasin Strakkov, the great Umbrean Prince Vladimir, The occult master Aleksandra and the Butcher Orsus.  Also check out our Youtube page were we are doing Quick courses on different characters in under a minute with art included. If you are enjoying this course please like and subscribe so that the faculty see folks are showing up to class and i can keep working here.
Credits Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
. Lore, Quotes and art are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press.

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Hello Students,
The time has come for us to finish our course on Warlocks of Oboros, Last time we discussed all the way to Una the Unseen, This time we are finishing them out at least what ones I possess in the archives. These include the Beast Kromac, The lightning lord Krueger, The desert Nomad Mohsar, The Changing seasons Morvahna, The Dirty Jobs doer Tanith, The Rock Enthusiast Bradigus, The Sky Master Una and the Great Ancient Man eating tree Wormwood Tree of fate. So sit back relax as we take a deep dive into these Warlocks of Oboros. Please Like, comment and Subscribe so I know we have students attending these courses so the board will let me continue showing up.
Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Lore and Quotes are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press

Monday Apr 03, 2023

Hello Students
Welcome back to another exciting Course in Khador Lore going over a large majority of Khadoran Warcasters their Histories and maybe even their undecided futures. From the Tactical genius Irusk, The Part man part machine Karchev, The Noble Koslov, The sly Andrie, The Anceint Old Witch, and the Frost Bitten Sorscha. So have your notes ready for this next course. Also Home work and test as always please let your freinds know of this podcast it helps the channel grow and keep all this going.
Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Lore and Quotes are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press.

Monday Mar 27, 2023

Welcome Back Students to Course 6
I want to apologize about my 2 week hiatus. I was on expedition  with the Famous Extraordinary Zoology Professor Viktor Pendrake. Ill discuss more of that in the podcast 
Today we will be discussing Circle Orboros Warlock training and the ways they find new warlocks is interesting to say the least. Is it more intense or less intense then some other nations listen and find out. Also we will be taking a deep dive into a number of warlocks. That being the Mountain of a man Baldur, The Wolf sworn Grayle, The Pack hunter Kaya and the Unseen Tharn Iona.
Please sit back relax and take notes. The only test i am giving is if you would please share this podcast with your friends and other gamers alike as we take another run through Hordes Circle Orboros.
Credits Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Lore and Quotes are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press.

Monday Mar 06, 2023

Welcome Back students to Course 5 where we will be reading Khadoran Warcasters trainings, rankings and structures. We will also be reading about one particular Warcaster Harkevich who I've had a privilege of working along side in multiple battles throughout my career.  So sit back listen and please share this podcast with your friends and fellow wargamers alike. 
Also Note the format I mentioned in the beginning of this course will be changed. The Administration said for it to be considered a course needs to be 40 minutes or more. So Next weeks course if we are able we will be reading the Warlock training, rankings and structures of the The Circle Orboros and Every single Warlock and if we have any early years before they ranked in warlock that I can find in the archives.  Then the following week get back to reading every Khadoran Warcaster in their entirety.
Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Lore and Quotes are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press.

Monday Feb 27, 2023

Welcome Back Students to course four. The the histories and lore of the Druids called  Circle Orboros. We will be going over the histories of this nature friendly faction and all of its "militaries" and "allies" they have acquired over their extremely long history as well as their military structures and the like. Writings of course brought by the writers of Privateer Press and the reading and commentary brought to you by Me, Professor Caster. Sit back and relax and have your quills ready because there will be an assignment and that is let your friends and fellow gamers know of this podcast the more of us there are the more can enjoy this lore.
Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Lore and Quotes are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press.

Monday Feb 20, 2023

Welcome Back students.
In this course we will be going over the Histories and Lore of the Nation of Khador as well as some of its major military groups. Brought to you by Privateers Press Writers and read and commented on by your own Professor Caster. Sit back, relax and get your quills ready because this will not be quized by me.  Please share will your other classmates who are not taking this course yet because there is much more to come.
Lore and Quotes are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press.
Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Thursday Feb 16, 2023

In this second part to the History of the Iron Kingdoms we will be discussing the Twins the Both Good and Evil. Gain Power to help others or gain power for powers sake and their rise and down fall or Upfall if you will. Among other things and continuing into the current histories of the Iron Kingdoms. 
Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Lore and Quotes are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press.

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023

In this  first class we will be going over the Syllabus. Who the character professor caster is and what we hope to get out of all these classes..
Then we will be reading from The Privateer Press's Prime Book to get a general history on  the Iron Kingdoms and what it is all about. A solid jumping off point for the Lore. This will be a relatively short class on getting to know each other and getting familiar with our world.
Lore and Quotes are originating from the Privateer Press are © 2001—2019 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARMACHINE ®, HORDES, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Images and trademarks used without permission. This Podcast/Youtube is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press.
Tavern Loop One by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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